Our Story


You may be wondering why we decided to call our company Spiritual Gangsta. Well, it’s simple. We know that people of African descent have become so disconnected from spirituality that even the word religion makes some people cringe. If you think about great leaders like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X, Nat Turner, Jean-Jacques Dessalines and Queen Nanny, they fiercely protected the black community and were willing to put their life on the line. They were also deeply rooted in spirituality which made them extremely powerful forces to be reckoned with. Now, imagine giving that energy a name, now you got it; Spiritual Gangsta!

We’re here to change the narrative by inspiring people of African descent to move in a way that’s progressive on all levels and gives respect to our ancient ways and traditions. This means, doing things that bring peace, purpose, harmony and individual responsibility to our inner and outer environments. It also means commanding respect in community by channeling our “inner G” so the we don’t back down on the things that will build our legacy. We hope to inspire many spiritual gangsta's to return to their true form and come out of hiding.